Association Information


Wexford Village Homes Association, Inc. (WVHA) is administered by a Board of Directors. The board meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM (except July and December) in the room 152 at High Point Church at 7702 Old Sauk Road. The meetings are open to all members of the association (i.e. homeowners). Funding for WVHA operations is derived from an annual assessment of each Wexford Village lot. The budget is presented for the review of the WVHA membership at the annual meeting in November.

The budget is used for the following board functions:

  • publishing the bi-annual directory

  • publishing the Wexford Watch newsletter

  • contracting for maintenance of common areas (e.g. grass cutting and snow removal)

  • sponsoring social activities

  • improving Wexford Park (with the city)

  • enforcing covenants

If you would like to help with any of these activities, please contact the board member/volunteer coordinator in charge of that area.

Neighborhood Profile

  • Population: 3500+

  • Boundaries: City limit on the north, North Gammon Road on the east, Old Sauk Road on the south, West Beltline on the west

  • Size: 407.5 Acres

Neighborhood Housing & Historic Districts

  • Number of Single Family Homes: 650

  • Percent of Owner Occupied Single Family Homes: 95.03%

  • Number of Condominiums: 114

  • Total Number of Units: 764

  • Average Assessed Value of Single Family Homes: $193,041

  • Loan Program: None

Wexford Board of Directors


President                Jim Rather                 334-7099

Vice-President      John Guequierre             836-8766

  • Also High Point Gardens Condos Representative

Secretary               Troy Dreyer          347-7572

Treasurer              Paul Stang                836-3857


Ken Schmidt           831-3089

Darrin Pope                    827-6365

Stephanie Farnia 203-8346

Steve & Elizabeth Ackermann 556-1641